23 August 2011

Hello Kitty x Kyorindo Drugstore

I go to this drugstore all the time because it's on my way home from work and it has a pretty decent food section so I can pick up bits and pieces. It also sells salsa which I haven't seen in my supermarkets.

Anyway, when you go in there's a big Hello Kitty stand now, the drugstore is collaborating with Sanrio for a whole bunch of Kitty-chan merchandise!
She's peeping out!

Here's some more pics....

Kitty in the shop's famous green and yellow.

Hello Kitty pill cases

Doctor Kitty with the biggest pill ever...
Make-Up Counter Hello Kitty.
I only really buy Kitty charms because they are easy to store and you can get specific ones for every place in Japan, so I got the make-up one. But the doctor and pill one is so cute I might just pop back in soon to get it!


  1. Samantha, is there possibly any possible way you would please buy one of those charms for me and ship it to the United States? I will of course pay for all expenses.

  2. Sorry, I don't think they have them any more and I'm not really willing to get into sending people I don't know things.


  3. I understand if it's too impractical. But if you have the opportunity at any time, please help me acquire at least a couple of the pharmacist kitty items. I will pay you in advance and add a little for your time and efforts. Thanks :)

  4. I'm sorry, but I've politely said no already.
