19 December 2011

Australian Sunrise Memory

I had to drag myself out of bed early this morning to take the rubbish out and go get breakfast at a combini, it was dark with a beautiful clear winter sky when I left and dawn was just breaking when I got back.

It made me think of the best sunrise I saw while I was in Australia. We were on a tour through the outback, just about twenty of us and hardly seeing any other people. We stopped at this farm in the middle of nowhere. And I mean nowhere. I think only people from countries with that kind of space can understand. It's nothing like Britain or Japan where you can pretty much always walk to the nearest shop easily. Also Australian outback is pretty flat, we once stopped somewhere that was flat bush for 360 degrees, only a radio tower, a water tower and one tree to be seen, no hill at all.

Anyway we were on this guy's farm seeing how it works and we all slept outside in swag (special outdoor sleeping bags). I always sleep well when I sleep outdoors for some reason.

I woke up and opened my eyes to see a beautiful clear sky, full of stars because we were miles from any town. And on the horizon was the most gorgeous strip of orange and yellow tinted sky. I've never seen anything so beautiful and likely never will again. The night sky slowly being taken over by the orange and then turning a beautiful clear blue.

We all stayed there watching until the sun came up and then went for an outdoors cooked camp breakfast.



  1. Sounds blissful! I've never really been too interested in visiting Australia but that story has made me consider adding it to the list.

  2. It was amazing, Australia has so much natural beauty. If I hadn't ended up in Japan I probably would have tried to go back there.
